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The end of Vogue Bambini

Sad news: Vogue Bambini has been discontinued by Condé Nast.

In children's fashion world, some magazines became reference models over the years, no more no less.
That is the case of Vogue Bambini. From one hand, because of its direct filiation with the giant Vogue, Vogue Bambini is a reference in Italy. Playtime is sad to say goodbye to one of its oldest media partners.

Condé Nast CEO, Fedele Usai, said that « The biggest mistake in such a moment of huge changes would be to not make decisions. Our vision is simple – we selectively invest in top brands and in digital development. This also implies taking difficult yet necessary decisions”.

Condé Nast, who publishes among others GQ, Glamour and Vanity Fair, has also decided to discontinue L’Uomo Vogue, Vogue Sposa and Vogue Accessory editions. Vogue Italia remains the only legacy of Vogue in Italy.


Vogue Bambini covers of May/June and July/August 2016 editions
