Halloween craft time!
With the weather cooling, it's time to take family-time indoors! What better way to to have some fun than doing a craft together? For such an activity, Playtime has found the perfect idea! From the blog Stickers & Stilettos, we bring you this Do-It-Yourself ghost garland! Not only is it super easy for the kids to help with, but it will look so cute in your home all fall long!
Check out this super easy and adorable DIY yarn ghost garland! This is a great project for fall!

This yarn tassel garland is the perfect fall craft. It is easy for the kiddos to help with and they will love hanging it in their room. Plus the supplies are inexpensive…what is not to love?!
This garland would look super cute hanging in the kitchen or in a kids’ play area. I love the pink color in mine, but swapping it out with a baby blue would be adorable as well!
Here is how I made mine:
Gather 4 skeins of yarn. Your local craft store will have the best selection but I grabbed all of mine at Walmart! Choose any colors you like!

Begin to wrap the yarn around the long edge of a DVD. Finally, a use for all of your old DVD’s! If you have tossed all of your cases, you can use a sturdy piece of cardboard that is cut to be around 8 inches.

Once, you have wrapped a good amount around the case, place a 5 inch peice of yarn around the center of the bundle.

Tie the piece of yarn tightly. This will hold your tassel together.

Flip the DVD case over and cut the yarn bundle right down the middle.

This will give you a beautiful tassel! Now to turn it into a ‘ghost’, simply tie a small piece of yarn around the top to create a ‘head’.

Use black felt to cut out eyes and a mouth for each of your ghosts. You could also use ‘googly eyes’ that are available at craft stores. For my garland, I tried to cut different fun faces for each tassel. Some have eyebrows and cute little smirks. They are friendly ghosts!

Use craft or tacky glue to glue the pieces of felt to the yarn tassels.

String the ghost tassels together. This garland is strung with twine, but yarn or ribbon would work just as well. Using a bobby pin to thread the needle through the center of the top of the ghost works well! You can also use your fingers to push it through.

STEP 10:
Hang the garland up and check for loose strings or other items that need to be trimmed. Trim the loose ends and fluff up the ghosts!

And your cute little yarn garland is complete! I hope you have fun with this project!

Happy Fall!
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