Tokyo Urban Baby
What if you land on Mars with a baby on your hip, dragging another one along together with a bag full of daily ‘in case’ essentials for the tot and the babe and have no idea where to head for a family friendly place to eat, a place to change dirty nappies, a way to catch the train without carrying the load up a flight or two of stairs like a donkey on a nomad trip through one of the craziest cities civilization gathers?
This is a bit how I felt when arriving in Tokyo, as a young Mother, obviously not reading Japanese (not hiragana, katakana nor kanji) and how I wish, how so very much I wish I could have opened up my phone (not digital yet but lets imagine smart phones have been everlasting), and download a life saving map of Tokyo with kids!
Kate Neath, Australian born and raised, has made every Mothers dream come true. In 2012 she launches Tokyo Urban baby, a blog about life in Tokyo withkids, and three years later, in 2015 follows her very useful e-book called The Tokyo Guide, the ultimate city guide to getting around Tokyo with a baby or two and small kids.
Kate’s tag line is “WANT TO ENJOY TOKYO WITH YOUR BABY, WITH THE LEAST STRESS AND THE MOST FUN?” Yes of course we want! Her Tokyo Guide has over 50 more baby-friendly restaurants and updates in her 2nd edition that just came out.
It’s so easy to download her e-book guide on your smart phone or Ipad and bring it along if you are living in Tokyo or planning a visit to this metropole with your family.
I love her colourful maps, so useful in finding my way to her recommended baby-friendly cafes, fashion shops, sightseeing spots, nursing rooms and playgrounds. A guide that will keep your baby happy and we all know that Happy Kids make Happy Parents.
Focusing on ten prime locations in Tokyo, the list is long and without fuss to get you right where you want to be with useful information on where to buy diapers or baby food as well as other insider hints.
Just sign up following this link
The cost for the Tokyo Guide is Y6’980, a few coins well spent, that will make any families visit to Tokyo much more enjoyable.
We love to support working mothers with great innovative ideas that make our life easier. Hats off to this remarkable working mother of two, Kate Neath!
Tokyo Urban Baby, by Kate Neath
Kate Neath