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Edgar's Surreal-Everyday World

Everyday objects just got the fashion approval!

Fashion is not restricted to fabric anymore. If you have a creative buzz like our featured illustrator Edgar Artis, you’ll know that inspiration is almost always around the corner. Hailing from Armenia and currently studying in Paris, Edgar is a fashion illustrator who uses everyday objects and various foods to give his illustrations a surreal touch.

Edgar’s unique style has made his sketches stand out. His primary technique is to draw stylised women in countless postures donning various outfits. The surreal touch is added when the dresses are made out of everyday, mundane objects that surround us. Edgar has used objects from matchsticks and forks to cheese and rice, and everything in between.

Orange Dress
Wheat Dress
Beans Dress
Burger Dress
Cabbage Dress
Cheese Dress
Apple Dress
Cards Dress
Colour-Pencil Dress
Fork Dress
Pepsi Dress
Waffle Dress
Paper Clip Dress
Spaghetti Dress
Oreo Dress
Milk Dress
Honey Comb Dress
Dog Food Dress
Peanut Butter Dress
Mirror Dress

Another way he creates unreal illustrations is when he cuts a hole in the paper in the shape of a dress, and holds it against his surroundings to perfectly fill up the dress shape. Some of his cut-out dresses feature the Eiffel Tower, quaint tracks of Paris, and stunning architecture of Brussels.

Check out his Instagram for more quirky illustrations.
If you're interested in exploring your illustration style, you can also check out Edgar's tutorials on YouTube.

Matchstick Dress

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